The Manny's Podcast

STACKED @ Manny's: We Are the Student Vote

Episode Summary

Stacked is a student-run political action committee that is devoted to expanding the political influence of the student voting bloc. Over the years, the deck has been stacked against us and we’re now saying, “Let’s reshuffle the cards” towards a more equitable future for each of us. Students across the country have the power to influence state and federal elections in favor of a progressive student agenda. We plan to own that power. Bios of StackedPAC Panel: Jordan Harzynski - Jordan is a sophomore at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., studying Political Communication, Business, and Public Health. Over the past three years, Jordan has focused his time and efforts to engage students in the political process. While he was at George Mason University during his freshman year, Jordan helped several campaigns leading up to the 2020 election and founded a Students for Biden-Harris group on campus. Jordan recognized the importance of youth engagement for Democratic victories and wanted to do more. He saw the power of the youth vote and wanted to find ways to continue the effort of mobilizing students. It began with the recognition that the deck was stacked against the youth of today and future generations. So Jordan founded StackedPAC to ensure students are registered and mobilized for upcoming elections and is joining fellow students in reshuffling the cards in favor of a student agenda. Prameela Bartholomeusz - Prameela is StackedPAC's Senior Advisor and CEO of Tactical Strategies LLC. She has helped to build the organization, its strategic plan and the tactical strategies that StackedPAC has been setting in place. Prameela also helps to oversee fundraising and the overall operations at StackedPAC. She has spent over 20 years in the tech industry in Finance and business operations, and her involvement in the 2008 presidential election which had her crisscrossing the country, led her to continue to stay civically engaged at the local, state and national levels and making this pivot to political consulting. Prameela has served on the 2008 DNC Platform Committee, held leadership roles in CA at the the county and state party level, helped organize for two presidential campaigns and served on the DNC National Finance Committee. Jayla Allen - Jayla is a current M.A. Candidate in African American Studies at Columbia University. She graduated from Prairie View A&M University with a degree in Political Science and Legal Studies. Throughout her undergraduate tenure, Jayla entered into the world of activism and organizing. In 2018, Jayla joined alongside the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund as a student plaintiff in Allen v. Waller, a federal voting-rights lawsuit challenging discriminatory and improper voting practices against Black student voters. Now more than ever, it is important for young people to exercise their right to vote and expand political influence in all elections; StackedPAC will galvanize students across the country and show the political power that young people hold today. Ethan Choi - Ethan is an economics major at Claremont McKenna College. He was raised in the Bay Area and is the son of two immigrants. Over the past three years, Ethan has been involved in local and state-wide activism including working as a media director under Prameela Bartholomoesuz on multiple civic causes, serving as a lead intern at the Santa Clara County Democratic Party during high school, and leading his high school's activism organization as its co-president. He recognizes that working collectively and nationally is critical to electing more leaders who will represent us. Mary Harmon - Mary attends Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, studying Special Education and American Sign Language. Entering college, she was clear she wanted to get involved in both her school and the Kalamazoo community. She gained a love for activism through the College Democrats at Western Michigan University for which she is currently president and is also active with Planned Parenthood of Kalamazoo. Mary was keen to become involved with StackedPAC due to the opportunities afforded students to focus in a more structured and effective way to advocate for issues at a campus, state and national level. She believes StackedPAC has and will make a difference in elections by both mobilizing and educating people on issues we should all care about, in a way that will bring us together.