The Manny's Podcast

An Evening with Jane Fonda to Support Climate Champions

Episode Summary

Jane Fonda is on a mission to get Big Oil out of American Politics. Listen as she and Manny talk all about the midterm elections, the Jane Fonda Climate Action PAC and the power to change the future.

Episode Notes

It’s Jane Fonda y’all! 


Jane stopped by Manny’s right before the midterms to talk about this critical election. She knows, as we all know, that we are on the precipice of climate disaster. We are no longer just imagining how the world will look in a disrupted climate; we’re seeing and feeling the reality of the climate crisis every single day as we witness and experience wildfires, heat waves, and floods destroying communities.


In 2020, the fossil fuel industry poured $139 million into our elections – to politicians of both parties. This money has real consequences. Major solutions are stopped cold, like the Green New Deal, Build Back Better, clean energy investments, and initiatives to end billions in tax subsidies to the fossil fuel industry — all because of politicians backed by Big Oil. It’s not too late to change our course. But it won’t happen as long as oil, gas, and coal companies maintain their stranglehold on American politics.


Earlier this year, she started the Jane Fonda Climate PAC to elect local, state, and federal leaders who will rise to the urgency of this moment and stand up to the fossil fuel industry. The PAC leverages the donations of those who are climate concerned to counter the outsized influence the fossil fuel industry has on our government. 

Jane wants politicians who support oil and gas to be as afraid for their jobs as we are about the impending climate disaster.

About Jane Fonda

Jane Seymour Fonda is a film and television icon, entrepreneur, and activist. Jane has earned two Academy Awards, two British Academy Film Awards, seven Golden Globe Awards, a Primetime Emmy Award, the AFI Life Achievement Award, the Golden Lion Honorary Award, the Honorary Palme d'Or, and the Cecil B. DeMille Award. She has starred in dozens of films over 60 years including Barbarella; Klute; The Shoot Horses, Don’t They; Coming Home; On Golden Pond; The China Syndrome; 9 to 5; Monster-In-Law; and The Morning After to name only a few.


She has been a political activist her entire adult life, involved in multiple anti-war movements, the civil rights movement, in support of the Black Panthers, in the fight for LBGTQ rights, in feminist struggles, and now, in the fight of her life to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change.


Jane has been targeted and arrested for her activities throughout her life but remains committed to doing everything she can to fight for justice for all and to live joyfully while doing it.